Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Anchor by M. Mabie ~ Blog Tour


I believe in love at first sight.
Now I know soulmates exist.

Nothing has ever been easy for us.
Every fight, every struggle, has been worth it.

I’m stubborn, but what woman isn’t?
She’s hard work and I love the overtime.

He’s frustrating and unpredictable. I hope he never changes.
I love driving her crazy. That’s half the fun.

Lou’s sexy curls.
Honeybee’s pink nose.

He still looks at me like I’m precious and unflawed.
She treats me like I’m the center of her world.

Our future will be full of happiness.
Despite everything, we’re two of the lucky ones.

I took the bait.
She was a lucky catch.

He is the wind in my sail.
She’s the anchor that grounds me.

The wake our love made is beautiful.
Every day I thank God for her.

No matter the hurdles, we’ve jumped them side-by-side.
No matter the obstacles, we’ve made it through together.

For better or for worse, I’d do it again.
I’ll love and protect her all the days of my life.

We made it.
We always will.


*Sobs* I am so sad to say goodbye to these characters! I just absolutely love this series.  I kept waiting for the drama...the big plot twist, but then I realized, hadn't Casey and Blake had enough? YES, they have! If you read the blurb, the book is exactly it....these characters finding their way to HEA! 4.5 stars

Blake and Casey are finally officially a couple, they are making their way through a life together and owning their mistakes....they are finally happy.  Anchor shows them growing together as a couple, and alongside their family and friends.

Read this series! I realize that not everyone likes cheating and Blake and Casey definitely had a rough beginning but trust me....the series is so worth it! Definitely one of my favorites! Fingers crossed for a spin off!

*Reviewed by Brandi


Anchor...LIVE NOW.
Amazon US http://amzn.to/1YuQhQx
Amazon UK http://bit.ly/ANCHORUK
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Amazon AU http://bit.ly/ANCHORAU
iTunes http://bit.ly/ANCHORITUNES
B&N Nook http://bit.ly/AnchorNook
Kobo http://bit.ly/ANCHORKOBO

Bait... Wake, #1 FREE everywhere! ‪#‎LIMITEDTIME‬
Amazon Kindle http://amzn.to/1Kd2vWm
iTunes http://bit.ly/baititunes
NOOK http://bit.ly/BaitNook
Kobo http://bit.ly/BaitKobo

Sail... Wake, #2
Amazon Kindle http://amzn.to/1OtDglR
iTunes http://bit.ly/sailitunes
NOOK http://bit.ly/SailNook
Kobo http://bit.ly/SailKobo


M. Mabie lives in Illinois with her husband. She writes unconventional love stories and tries to embody "real-life romance."

She cares about politics, but will not discuss them in public. She uses the same fork at every meal, watches Wayne's World while cleaning, and lets her dog sleep on her head. She has always been a writer. In fact, she was born with a pen in her hand, which almost never happens. Almost.

M. Mabie usually doesn't speak in third-person. She promises.

Amazon Author page → http://www.amazon.com/M.-Mabie/e/B00JG5A6D6
Goodreads Author Page → https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7420449.M_Mabie
Newsletter → http://goo.gl/forms/917BIwS57v
Website→ mmabie.com
Facebook → facebook.com/AuthorMMabie
...and pretty much everywhere you can be on social media.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bereft By Jennifer Foor ~ Blog Tour



We'd been married seven years, and for the most part, I thought we were happy. Little did I know my

other half wasn't. He'd been screwing around on me for the past six months. Now, on the verge of

divorce, I've found myself in a conundrum.

He's half my age, with a body that won't quit. I keep telling myself it's payback, but who am I kidding?

Instead of getting even, I've now made things irreparable. I have a choice to make, and it's going to be a

lot harder than I imagined.

Give in to Temptation

Fulfill your deepest Desires

GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25960345-bereft


Jennifer Foor can sure pack in the angst and emotion into her books! I just couldn't wait to get my hands on Bereft and it sure delivered! I went through so many different feelings while reading it....hate, anger, sadness, and happiness. 4 stars!

Really if you have read the synopsis on Bereft you know enough of what the book will be about...I don't want to spoil anything for you...you need to experience every stomach clenching moment for yourself!

Bereft felt real to me, I felt like I was reading about real people.  This story just got to me...I connected to it, I felt like it could happen in any marriage.  If you are a fan of angst...you will love this!

*Reviewed by Brandi


Jennifer Foor is an award winning Contemporary Romance Author.

She is married with She's best known for the Mitchell Family Series, which includes ten books.two

children and spends most of her time behind a keyboard, writing stories that come from her heart.

WEBSITE: http://www.jenniferfoor.com/

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/JenniferFoorAuthor

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/jennyfoor

AMAZON AUTHOR: http://www.amazon.com/Jennifer-Foor/e/B007QVEKI

TSU: https://www.tsu.co/authorJenniferfoor




My wife didn’t want to see me, and who could blame her? I’d fucked up. I’d let a little ass ruin my

marriage, and that’s exactly what it was coming to. Rachel was a strong-willed woman. She was set in

her ways and liked being in control of the situation. I admired her strength, and the way she was able to

manage multiple problems at once. This though, this broke her. I saw it in her desperate eyes. She was

broken – lost – destroyed, all because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants. I saw an opportunity to

feel young again and I dove right in, knowing the consequences would bite me in the ass at some point. I

made the decision out of greed. I wanted to feel empowered; like I was able to get someone young

and attractive. For a little while I felt like the king of the world. I thought I’d get away with it. The

more it happened, the harder it was to imagine getting caught.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Best Laid Plans by Stylo Fantome ~ Release Week Blitz



* Smuggle diamonds from Liberia to Morocco
* Make the trip in three days
* Don't get caught
* Don't kill each other
* Don't have sex with each other
* Don't fall for each other
Stick to the plan

This is the story of what happens when an unlikely bond is formed between enemies, causing tensions to rise, and igniting a chemistry that threatens to burn them both. Together, they'll learn that sometimes even the 
best laid plans can fail.

If this NOVEL were a MOVIE, it would have an R rating from the MPAA. Contains: Violence, Grisly Images, Strong Language, Nudity, and Graphic Sexual Content 


he came back around to his front and watched him as he loaded up the rest of his gear. Thigh holsters, shoulder holster, ankle holster; pretty much anywhere he could hang a gun, there was a holster. When he glanced at her, she had her eyebrows raised in surprise.

“What?” he looked himself over, looking to see if he'd missed anything.

“That's a lot of gear,” she commented.

“Can never be too careful. I don't feel like dying tonight.”

“Why are you getting ready here, anyway? Don't you have a home?” she pointed out. He snorted.

“Sweetheart, the job starts here and ends here. I don't want anyone following me back to my place – not even these fuckers. I don't let anyone see where I sleep,” Marc stressed. She pouted her lips.



She stepped up close to him, standing on her tiptoes so her mouth was near his ear.

“Because I'd love to see where you sleep.”

A list of 5 reasons why fans/new readers should pick up this book


1. It's different and it pushes boundaries, which I think everyone could do with a bit of, now and then


2. They might learn something they never knew about a different country, and learning is good


3. It's a departure from my other works, but still has the erotica base that is my preferred genre (a.k.a. lots of steaminess haha)

4. It literally takes you on a journey


5. The summer is almost over - can't end it without one last blockbuster big action flick!



Stylo wrote one of my favorite series ever (seriously, if you haven’t read the Kane Trilogy go read it now), so of course I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book.  I was not disappointed by Best Laid Plans! Stylo once again “brought it” with a suspenseful-catchy plot, kick-a** characters, and tons of sexual tension! 5 stars!

Best Laid Plans is told from alternating POVs, which I loved being able to get into both characters heads.  Liliana is on a mission for the Bratva while in Africa….her mission is to transport diamonds.   Marcelle is a free-lance mercenary hired to steal millions of dollars’ worth of blood diamonds for the Bravta.  After a one night stand, Lily and Marc learn they will be working together on this job...let’s just say neither is too happy about this.  After their mission is sabotaged, these two have to work together to get themselves out of the dangerous situation that they are put in. Can these two work together as a team besides the chemistry flowing between them…will they survive the danger they are put in?

Go read Best Laid Plans now (it’s bargained priced and worth every penny)! I just have to rave at Stylo’s story-telling abilities. The action and plot of the story will grab your attention, and the romance and sexual chemistry will keep you from putting the book down!  I can’t wait for book 2! 

*Reviewed by Brandi

About the Author

Crazy woman living in an undisclosed location in Alaska (where the need for a creative mind is a necessity!), I have been writing since ..., forever? Yeah, that sounds about right. I have been told that I remind people of Lucille Ball - I also see shades of Jennifer Saunders, and Denis Leary. So basically, I laugh a lot, I'm clumsy a lot, and I say the F-word A LOT.

I like dogs more than I like most people, and I don't trust anyone who doesn't drink. No, I do not live in an igloo, and no, the sun does not set for six months out of the year, there's your Alaska lesson for the day. I have mermaid hair - both a curse and a blessing - and most of the time I talk so fast, even I can't understand me.

Yeah. I think that about sums me up.

Buy Links

On Amazon Exclusively - also available in Kindle Unlimited program for free. $0.99 release price will be good through Sept. 8th - then it goes up to $2.99.




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Monday, August 10, 2015

The Paper Swan by Leylah Attar ~ Blog Tour and Giveaway

Happy Release Day to Leylah Attar and her new book THE PAPER SWAN! Enjoy a sneak peek into the book below and make sure to enter the giveaway! This is a MUST READ to add to your TBR!
Buy the Book
the paper 

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit.
They lie.
For 21 days she held on.
But on Day 22, she would have given anything for the sweet slumber of death.
Because on Day 22, she realizes that her only way out means certain death for one of the two men she loves.
A haunting tale of passion, loss, and redemption, The Paper Swan is a darkly intense yet heartwarming love story, textured with grit, intrigue, and suspense. Please note: This is NOT a love triangle.
A full-length, standalone novel, intended for mature audiences due to violence, sex and language. Subject matter may be disturbing for some readers.



It's funny as I sit here and think as I write my review, I actually read 53 Letters to My Lover by Leylah Attar on vacation one year ago....today, I sit here on vacation, having just finished The Paper Swan and I am once again blown away by Leylah's words.  These were both very different books but both very beautiful stories that I just loved! The Paper Swan is a uniquely captivating story that will stick with me for a long time! 5 stars!

As far as the story goes, I don't want to summarize any of it and ruin it for you.  I will mention that it is a standalone, there is not a love triangle, and you will not be able to put this book down until the very last page.....that's how intensely this story will grab a hold of you.

"It’s not over, you know. It never has been,” he said. “Whether you say yes or no, you will always be my forever."   

The Paper Swan is a captivating, beautiful, dark romance story.  The writing is well done, Leylah just has a way with words that just amazes me each time a read one of her books.  The storyline is refreshing and thrilling.  This book definitely just went on my favorites list....I urge you to grab this one!

*Reviewed by Brandi

Leylah Attar writes stories about love - shaken, stirred and served with a twist. When she's not writing, she can be found pursuing her other passions: photography, food, family and travel. Sometimes she disappears into the black hole of the internet, but can usually be enticed out with chocolate.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Bleeding Love by Harper Sloan ~ Blog Tour and Giveaway

bleeding love blog tour.jpg

Blurb (Stand alone)

I've loved once. I gave everything that I had to that love. Blindly believing that nothing could ever take that feeling away from me. Away from us. And when my little world of happiness was ripped from my fingers, I felt a loss that still haunts me to this day. Now I use that lingering grief as a shield to keep my heart from loving again. It's that fear that keeps me from letting anyone, except my daughter, get close enough to make it hurt. To make my heart bleed when I inevitably lose again. Until the day I met Liam Beckett and everything I thought I had protected myself from was shoved back in my face. He's on a mission to prove to me that a love worth having is a love worth fighting for.


His mouth leaves mine and with his hand still on my leg, he demands, “Dig your heels in deep, baby.” I give him what he wants, but not because he told me to. I give him what he wants because when his hand leaves my leg and pushes into the mattress, bringing his body up he goes even deeper into my body and those heels push hard. Just as he demanded earlier, my hands go to his shoulders on my own accord and as he takes my body hard, my nails dig in with my heels still pushing hard against the small of his back. Our eyes never leave each other’s probing gaze. Never once do I take my eyes away from his, so full of lust that I know there isn’t an ounce of control left in his body. He drops his head and I lift up to meet him in a kiss so sweet it doesn’t match the powerful way that he’s taking my body. A kiss that gives me more than words ever could at this moment. His hips slow and as his tongue rolls against mine, his hips start to take me in slow, deep rolls. He doesn’t pull back, just rocks his hips against mine. I push up and cry out when he slips even deeper. His lips come from mine and his hooded eyes open a sliver. “Feels like heaven,” he says softly. “Everything, darlin’. Feels like everything.”

Meet Liam & Megan in the newest stand alone
in the Hope Town Series by Harper Sloan!
Nook: http://bit.ly/1HKBNX7


Once again Harper Sloan delivered with Bleeding Love…it was consistently good throughout. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book simply based on the blurb. I loved the emotions Megan’s story evoked in me, I was just hoping for a little more of that angsty-wanting feeling. 4 stars

Megan is a single mother who has lost her husband in battle. She struggles every day to live with the guilt and grief her husband’s death has caused. The only thing that gets Megan through is her daughter….until Liam comes into her life. Liam has fallen for Megan hard, and he won’t give up until he wears down Megan’s wall and gets her to live life to the fullest again…..

Great book! Love the appearance of past characters from the Corps Security books and love seeing them grow. Harper always delivers on swoon worthy alpha males!

*Reviewed by Brandi

About the Author:
harper sloan bio.jpg
Harper lives in small town Georgia just a short drive from her hometown of Peachtree City. She (and her 3 daughters) enjoy ruling the house they dubbed 'Estrogen Ocean', much to her husband’s chagrin. Harper has a borderline unhealthy obsession with books; you can almost ALWAYS find her with her eReader attached. She enjoys bad reality TV and cheesy romantic flicks. Her favorite kind of hero--the super alpha kind!

Harper started using writing as a way to unwind when the house went to sleep at night; and with a house full of crazy it was the perfect way to just relax. It didn't take long before a head full of very demanding alphas would stop at nothing to have their story told.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Maybe In Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid

By Taylor Jenkins Reid
At the age of twenty-nine, Hannah Martin still has no idea what she wants to do with her life. She has lived in six different cities and held countless meaningless jobs since graduating college, but on the heels of a disastrous breakup, she has finally returned to her hometown of Los Angeles. To celebrate her first night back, her best friend, Gabby, takes Hannah out to a bar—where she meets up with her high school boyfriend, Ethan.
It’s just past midnight when Gabby asks Hannah if she’s ready to go. Ethan quickly offers to give her a ride later if she wants to stay.
Hannah hesitates.
What happens if she leaves with Gabby?
What happens if she leaves with Ethan?
In concurrent storylines, Hannah lives out the effects of each decision. Quickly, these parallel universes develop into surprisingly different stories with far-reaching consequences for Hannah and the people around her, raising questions like: Is anything meant to be? How much in our life is determined by chance? And perhaps most compellingly: Is there such a thing as a soul mate?
Hannah believes there is. And, in both worlds, she believes she’s found him.
Taylor Jenkins Reid is an author and essayist from Acton, Massachusetts. She is the author ofForever, Interrupted and After I Do. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Alex, and her dog, Rabbit. You can follow her on Twitter @TJenkinsReid.

Fighting to Breathe by Aurora Rose Reynolds ~ Blog Tour and Giveaway

Lea Lamb and Austin Wolf were young when they fell in love. They never imagined the future could hold anything other than together-forever.
When Lea’s father dies in a tragic fishing accident, she's crushed under the weight of her grief and catches a glimpse of another type of future, one she knows she's not strong enough to face.
Austin is angry. For the past fifteen years, he's believed the woman he loved with every ounce of his soul left him without so much as a backwards glance.
When Lea unexpectedly returns to their hometown, all the years of heartache inside Austin bubbles to the surface and presents itself as blinding rage.
Faced with the truth about the past, a newly discovered secret, these former lovers will learn that if they want to have any chance at the future they’d given up on all those years ago, they will have to rescue one another from drowning in pain so debilitating it will leave them both fighting to breathe.

fighting to breathe teaser 1.jpg
Meet Lea & Austin in this amazing love story!
**10 cents from every book sold will be donated to fighting cancer one chapter at a time**
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1KEyik0

“CAN WE STOP by the liquor store on the way to dinner?” Mom asks from the passenger seat of my car.
“Should you be drinking?” I frown then turn onto the main road—well, really the only road in town.
“What’s it going to do, kill me?” she jokes, making me inhale a sharp breath. “Honey,” she says quietly, and I look at her briefly, wondering how the hell she can be so casual about this. “I’m dying. When it will happen, only the good Lord knows, but it is happening, and there is nothing you or I can do about it. I have made my peace with it, and I want you to do the same.” She reaches over to pat my thigh.
“Make peace with it?” I repeat, shaking my head in disbelief.
“Yes, make peace with it. If you think about it, I’m lucky. I know I’m going to die. I know that sooner rather than later God is going to come take me home, and when he does, I will be ready. I will have had a chance to say goodbye to the people I care about and right any wrongs I’ve caused. I’m lucky, honey.”
“What about me?” I wring my hands on the steering wheel, feeling my chest get tight as I fight back tears.
“I love you, honey. I loved you before you were even a sparkle in my eye, and I will always be with you. I know this isn’t easy for you. I know there are going to be a lot of tears shed, but we’re lucky, honey.”
I press my lips together to keep from saying something I might regret. I’m not lucky; in fact, I’m unlucky to the tenth power. How many people have I lost, how many people do I have to loose before it’s enough.
“Oh look! Sheryl!” She yells, pulling me from my thoughts as she reaches over, pressing the horn on my steering wheel while her other hand shoots across me so she can wave out my window. Looking to where she’s waving my heart begins to beat wildly
against my ribcage when I see not Sheryl, but Austin walking into one of the many bars that litter Main Street, only it’s not just Austin—it’s him and a woman with her arm wrapped around the back of his waist as he holds the door open for her.
Even from the distance separating us, my lungs compress at the beauty that is him. The years have been good to him. His hair is still shaggy, only now a little lighter; his face is tan and covered in a beard that makes his crystal blue eyes stand out even more. My eyes travel from his face to his torso, which is covered in a dark green thermal that shows off the muscles of his arms, chest, and tapered waist, then down to his denim-covered thighs. When my gaze sweeps back up, his eyes are on me, and I see them crinkle in confusion then realization that soon turns into anger.
“You missed the liquor store,” my mom complains as I speed up.

fighting to breathe teaser 2.jpg

About the Author:
aurora bio.jpg
Aurora Rose Reynolds is a navy brat who's husband served in the United States Navy. She has lived all over the country but now resides in New York City with her Husband and pet fish. She's married to an alpha male that loves her as much as the men in her books love their women. He gives her over the top inspiration everyday. In her free time she reads, writes and enjoys going to the movies with her husband and cookie. She also enjoys taking mini weekend vacations to nowhere, or spends time at home with friends and family. Last but not least she appreciates everyday and admires it's beauty.